Saturday, December 10, 2011

Changelog for December 10

We're pleased to bring you one of the biggest Pipeline updates ever! Feedback has been pouring in from the recent Game Jam contest on, plus other great ongoing projects. We have been working night and day to respond to your bug reports and feature requests. Here's our latest:

Bigger stuff:

* Remember login for 30 days - Pipeline now uses cookies instead of sessions for logging in, so you'll only have to log in every 30 days if you choose.

Better project privacy - if your project is set to "private", only members and people you invite will be able to see it. Previously anyone with a private project's URL could see it.

Better image previews - now if you preview a large image, Pipeline will automatically resize it so the preview doesn't take over your browser window.

* Better Flash previews - Pipeline now uses SWFObject rather than Flowplayer to load Flash (swf) files, so previewing these kinds of uploads should be faster and more reliable.

Smaller stuff:

* Better upload thumbnails - you'll now see a full thumbnail instead of a sliver when you upload images, video, or Flash, and the thumbnail will be proportional.

Truncated upload filenames - if you upload a file with a really long filename, Pipeline will truncate it so it doesn't break the page layout.

* Show upload date/time - Pipeline now shows the date/time each file was uploaded.

* Pagination for discussions - longer discussions are now broken down into pages with 10 replies each, rather than one long page that was clumsy to navigate.

* Admin improvements - various minor improvements for using Pipeline in admin mode.

Enjoy these changes and as always, drop us a line with your thoughts.

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